
Spring cleaning: FREE collection and recycling of computer materials

FREE spring cleanup : We will pick up your depreciated computer equipment from you.
Yes, it’s time again to clean up.
Have your old computers picked up for recycling, storage is no use.
One mail or phone call and everything will be arranged in no time.
You can also arrange it on-line, click here to make an appointment now.

You don’t have to lug or pack anything yourself, we take all the work off your hands.
We really do take all kinds of depreciated hardware and all over the country.

Old computer pickup and immediate data destruction.
If we pick up your old computer equipment from you, we can also immediately destroy the sensitive data on the hard drives for you. And it can even be done at your location and under your watchful eye. We do that with our mobile hard disk shredder. Want to know what that costs, click HERE for our price list.
Want to know more about Holland’s best data destruction? Then click here.

Environmentally and legally sound recycling.
IT Recycling is WEEELABEX certified and ISO9001-14001. For you, the guarantee that all recycling is done in a legally responsible manner.

Our collection service for computer recycling is completely FREE :
– Only for companies and organizations
– From 200 kilos, if it is less than 200 kilos it will only cost a call-out fee of 80€.

Want to know more? Then check out our website : or our Youtube channel.