
Research: IT Recycling in the Netherlands

At IT recycling, we deal with recycling and data destruction all day long. For us it is therefore an obvious topic! But what is the status of IT Recycling among companies in the Netherlands? Which electronics do they have recycled? And do they expect this to play a bigger role in the future? IT recycling found out!

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Most companies choose IT Recycling 1-2 times a year

By far the largest group (61.2%) goes about recycling discarded hardware and electronics 1 to 2 times a year. Only a small group (6.1%) chooses to dispose of it 5 to 7 times a year.

“77.5% of companies currently have depreciated hardware or electronics lying around”

Recycling computers and laptops ranks No. 1

When asked “What products do you currently have recycled?” respondents answered:

  • Computers & Laptops (83.7%)
  • Hard drives (71.4%)
  • Network equipment (67.4%)
  • Phones (55.1%)
  • Other (32.6%) such as printers, monitors, servers, bar code scanners and cables.

So recycling computers and laptops is clearly number one in the Netherlands, followed closely by hard drives.

“Over 73.5% of companies use data destruction”.

More use of IT Recycling & data destruction in the future

A glimpse into the future! When asked “Will you be using IT Recycling and data destruction more in the coming years?” 42.8% of respondents gave a resounding “Yes” as their answer. 44.9% indicated that they might do so. The remaining 12.3% are not going to use this more in the coming years. So, good news for the future of recycling!

Responsible for IT Recycling

Finally, the departments responsible at companies for recycling and data destruction. Here we are big differences: from facility management to IT and from reception to buyers.